Enjoy African based video games like never before
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Welcome to BenSino GS, the future of gaming lives here

BenSino Game Studio is a self-funded division of BenSino Engineering Group SASU. It represents the group’s gaming activities. It basically publishes African based games on most popular mobile’s operating systems. Its goal is to promote African culture within the gaming industry across the world.

The company develops and commercialises video games for smartphones and tablets. It publishes all game genres and most of the titles are rated for everyone. The target market is all African expatriates that want to feel like home and locals that want to enjoy the African style.

All our games will be accessible worldwide where your favorite platform is available. You can download most of our titles from the marketplace or website that represents your mobile devices’ operating systems. With BenSino Game Studio, you can feel the future of the gaming industry within the palm of your hand.

"APS Connected or former African Poker Sim", "AP Connected or former African Poker", and "APF Connected or former African Poker Free" are now available on Android 6.0+ on Google Play Store and iOS 15.0+ on Apple App Store (Card Games). Try out the free versions today and have fun like never before!