Enjoy African based video games like never before
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AP Connected & APS Connected
African Poker Tile
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The game is based on a well known African card game. It is a multiplayers African card game rated 12+ and accessible for everyone. You can connect with fellow Africans to chat or practice your African and Caribbean countries and capitals knowledge with the Quiz mode. You will have to challenge the computer throughout various playing modes such as: Training to easily assess the game play, Quick Play for a quick game, Tournament to be able to test your endurance, and Multi-players to have fun with friends. It is available in different languages such as English, French, Chinese, Japanese, and Fon: yep! big up to the homies at home. Download them today onto your android and iOS smartphones and tablets and have fun as you have never experienced before.
African Poker screenshot 2
African Poker screenshot 3
African Poker screenshot 4

Please, watch the demo below on your computer to fully enjoy the game play.

  • African Poker demo 1
    The upper cards are for the CPU and the lower are for you. You are the starter, so it is your turn to play the first card.
  • African Poker demo 2
    You played 9 of heart. The CPU must play a heart opened if it has it or another type closed.
  • African Poker demo 3
    The CPU played 7 of heart. Its played card is smaller than 9 of heart, so it is your turn to play next.
  • African Poker demo 4
    You played jack of heart. The CPU must play a heart opened if it has it or another type closed.
  • African Poker demo 5
    The CPU played twice: ace of heart and 10 of club. Its first played card (ace heart) is greater than jack of heart, so the CPU played again 10 of club. You must play a club opened if you have it or another type closed.
  • African Poker demo 6
    You played king of club. It is greater than 10 of club, so you have to play again.
  • African Poker demo 7
    You played queen of diamond. The CPU must play a diamond opened if it has it or another type closed.
  • African Poker demo 8
    The CPU played jack of diamond. Its played card is smaller than queen of diamond, so it is your turn to play next.
  • African Poker demo 9
    You played ace of spade. The CPU must play a spade opened if it has it or another type closed.
  • African Poker demo 10
    The CPU played queen of spade. Its played card is smaller than ace of spade and since they are the last two cards played, YOU WIN!


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African Poker screenshot 5
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